A careful and planned listening and replying via WhatsApp or SMS
A careful and planned listening and replying via WhatsApp or SMS.
Many modules to meet all your company needs
- Respond to generic queries
- Receive orders of products or services
- Plan bookings or appointments
- Manage your assistance and first aid channels
The communication with your company is made easy and instantaneous because you are able to solve client problems with a Whatsapp chat or a SMS.
Isn’t it simple?
Many modules to meet all your company needs
- Respond to generic queries
- Receive orders of products or services
- Plan bookings or appointments
- Manage your assistance and first aid channels.
Isn’t it simple?
Automated notifications to improve your processes
- Pre-filled messages to automatically reply to each request
- Confirmation alerts to reduce inefficiencies Zero misunderstandings!
Automated notifications to improve your processes
- Pre-filled messages to automatically reply to each request
- Confirmation alerts to reduce inefficiencies
Zero misunderstandings!
Real-time information to better serve your customers
- Analyze data on interactions and activities requested by your customers.
- Follow the monthly trends to understand the behavior of your users
Real-time information to better serve your customers
- Analyze data on interactions and activities requested by your customers
- Follow the monthly trends to understand the behavior of your users
Provide to your clients an immersive and meaningful comunication experience through the channels they use in their everyday life
Provide to your clients an immersive and meaningful comunication experience through the channels they use in their everyday life
A single communication channel for your company managed by your entire team.
Nobody waiting!
A single communication channel for your company managed by your entire team.
Nobody waiting!
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Quando si tratta di esplorare nuovi orizzonti, non c'è modo migliore che ascoltare gli esperti che navigano quotidianamente sul campo. Il crescente successo dei canali di messaggistica aziendale segue questa regola fondamentale. È qui che entra in gioco l'importanza...
Come recuperare i carrelli abbandonati con WhatsApp
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Come utilizzare WhatsApp per aumentare le vendite della tua azienda
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WhatsApp API: Cosa sono e come integrarle nella tua azienda
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Come funziona Pingueen?
Pingueen è una piattaforma pensata per scalare il tuo Business tramite WhatsApp. In questa guida vedremo le principali sezioni di Pingueen così da poterlo utilizzare al meglio. È possibile creare un account di prova utilizzando uno dei nostri numeri demo ma, se vuoi...